19 February 2025
Please reply to: |
Contact: |
Karen Wyeth |
Direct line: |
01784 446341 |
E-mail: |
k.wyeth@spelthorne.gov.uk |
To the Councillors of Spelthorne Borough Council
I hereby summon you to attend a meeting of the Council to be held at The Council’s Offices, Knowle Green, Staines-upon-Thames on Thursday, 27 February 2025 commencing at 7.00 pm for the transaction of the following business.
Daniel Mouawad
Chief Executive
Councillors are encouraged to wear their badge of past office at the Council meeting.
Councillors are reminded to notify Committee Services of any Gifts and Hospitality offered to you since the last Council meeting so that these may be entered in the Gifts and Hospitality Declaration book.
Description |
Page nos. |
1. |
Apologies for absence |
To receive any apologies for non-attendance.
2. |
Minutes |
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the Council meeting held on 12 December 2024 and the Extraordinary Meeting held on 06 February 2025.
7 - 22 |
3. |
Disclosures of Interest |
To receive any disclosures of interest from Councillors in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct for Members aside from those Councillors that are also Surrey County Councillors.
4. |
Announcements from the Mayor |
To receive any announcements from the Mayor.
5. |
Announcements from the Leader & Deputy Leader |
To receive any announcements from the Leader and Deputy Leader.
6. |
Announcements from the Chief Executive |
To receive any announcements from the Chief Executive.
7. |
Questions from members of the public |
The Leader, or their nominee, to answer any questions raised by members of the public in accordance with Standing Order 13.
The were no questions received from members of the public.
8. |
Pay Policy 2025/26 |
Council is asked to approve the Pay Policy Statement 2025/26.
23 - 46 |
9. |
Capital Strategy 2025-2026 |
Council is asked to consider and approve the Capital Strategy 2025/26 to 2026/27.
47 - 62 |
10. |
Estimated 2025/26 to 2028/29 Capital Programme |
Council is asked to approve the proposed Capital Programme for 2025/26 to 2028/29.
63 - 70 |
11. |
Treasury Management Strategy 2025/26 |
Council is asked to approve:
1. The Treasury Management Strategy for 2025-26 as set out in the report; and
2. By approving the report, Council will be agreeing to the Treasury Management Practices, MRP Statement, Operational Boundary and Authorised Limits.
71 - 154 |
12. |
Detailed Revenue Budget for 2025/26 |
Council is asked to consider and approve the recommendations as outlined in the report.
Members are reminded that pursuant to the Local Government Finance Act 1992 a member of a local authority who has not paid an amount due in respect of council tax for at least two months after it became due and who attends a meeting at which the level of council tax is considered must disclose that s106 applies to them and refrain from voting on any question with respect to that matter. Failure to comply amounts to a criminal offence.
Please seek and advice from Monitoring Officer if in any doubt prior to the meeting taking place.
155 - 214 |
13. |
Annual Grant Awards 2025/2026 |
Council is asked to consider the recommendation of the Community Wellbeing & Housing Committee to agree the Community Grants for 2025/26.
215 - 230 |
14. |
Amendments to the Constitution |
Council is asked to approve the proposed changes to the Terms of Reference and Financial Regulations in the Constitution as set out in the report.
231 - 384 |
15. |
Appointment of Monitoring Officer |
Council is asked to approve the appointment of the Council’s Monitoring Officer.
385 - 388 |
16. |
Appointment of Vice-Chair Standards Committee |
Council is asked to approve the appointment of the new Vice-Chair of the Standards Committee.
389 - 394 |
17. |
Reports from the Committee Chairs |
To receive and agree the reports from the Committee Chairs.
The reports for the following Committees are to follow:
Commercial Assets Sub-Committee – 24 February 2025 Audit Committee – 28 January, 25 February 2025
395 - 422 |
18. |
Motions |
To receive any motions from Councillors in accordance with Standing Order 16.
One motion was received (as attached)
423 - 424 |
19. |
General questions |
The Leader, or their nominee, to answer questions from Councillors on matters affecting the Borough, in accordance with Standing Order 14.
No general questions had been received.